Koleksi Bahan Baru

Koleksi Surat-Surat Perjanjian.

1.      Letter from Sultan Akamuddin of Sambas to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated 23 Zulkaedah 1203 (15 August 1789).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

2.      Letter from Panembahan Syarif Kasim of  Mempawah to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated  Mempawah,  1 Rabiulawal  1204 (19 November 1789).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

3.      Letter from  Penembahan Adijaya Kusumah  of Karangan to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië received at Batavia, January  1790.
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

4.      Letter from Chiefs of Mempawah  to the Governor- General and the Raad Van Indië  dated Mempawah 1 Rabiulawal  1204 (19 November 1789).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

5.      Letter from Sultan Syarif Abdul Rahman  of Pontianak to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated Pontianak,  9 Safar 1205 (18 October 1790).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

6.      Letter from Panembahan Syarif Kasim of  Mempawah to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated  Mempawah,  10  Safar  1205 (19 October 1790).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

7.      Letter from Sultan Umar Akamuddin of Sambas to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated 5 Ramadan 1204 (19 May 1790).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

8.      Letter from Panembahan Syarif Kasim of  Mempawah to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated  Mempawah,  8  Safar  1206  (7 October 1791).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

9.      Letter from Sultan Sharif Ali Abdul Rahman  of Pontianak to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated Pontianak,  8 Safar 1206 (7 October 1791).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

10.  Letter from Sultan Sharif Ali Abdul Rahman  of Pontianak to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated Pontianak,  9  Syabaan  1206 (7 April  1791).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

11.  Letter from Sultan Umar Akamuddin of Sambas to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated  9  Syabaan 1206 ( 3 March 1792).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

12.  Declaration in Malay of the goods found in the Penclang of Captain Dainel Reijmers who died at Mempawah.
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

13.  Declaration in Malay of the goods found in the Penclang of Captain Dainel Reijmers who died at Mempawah. At the end a  declaration in Dutch.
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

14.  Letter from Panembahan Syarif Kasim of  Mempawah to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated  Mempawah,   25 Zulkaidah 1207  (4 July  1793).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

15.  Letter from Sultan Sharif Ali Abdul Rahman  of Pontianak to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated Pontianak,  25 Zulkaidah 1207  (4 July  1793).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

16.  Letter from Sultan Sharif Ali Abdul Rahman  of Pontianak to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated Pontianak,  28 Zulkaidah 1208  (27 July  1794).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

17.  Letter from a certain Mas Jurit of Sambas to the Governor-General, dated 3 Syabaan.
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

18.  Letter from Sultan Umar Akamuddin of Sambas to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated Pontianak, 22 Syabaan 1211 (20 February  1797).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

19.  Letter from Sultan Umar Akamuddin of Sambas to the Governor of Semarang,  dated  22 Syabaan 1211 (20 February  1797).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

20.  Letter from Sultan Sharif Ali Abdul Rahman  of Pontianak to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated Pontianak,  8 Syawal 1213  (15 March 1799).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

21.  Letter from Mas Jurit, Panghulu of Sukadana to the of Sambas to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated 16 Safar.
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

22.  Letter from Sultan Sharif Ali Abdul Rahman  of Pontianak to the Governor-General and the Raad Van Indië dated Pontianak,  20 Zulkaidah 1216  (24 March 1802).
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden

23.  List of goods found in the ship of a Captain Pipanbaik made by Sultan Syarif.
Sumber: Universiteit Leiden  


Koleksi Mikrofilem
  1. Foreign Office  931/1823 :  A report on British military preparation and troop recruiting in Brunei.
Covering dates: 1856/1857
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

  1. Foreign Office  12/58: British North Borneo Company.
Covering dates: Nov 1881 – Dec 1882
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

  1. Foreign Office  12/60: British North Borneo Company.
Covering dates: 1883
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

  1. Foreign Office  12/67: British North Borneo Company.
Covering dates: Jan 1884 – Mac 1885.
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

  1. Foreign Office  12/68: British North Borneo Company.
Covering dates: Apr – Dec 1885
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

  1. Foreign Office  12/71: British North Borneo Company.
Covering dates: Jan – Apr 1886
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

  1. Foreign Office  12/72: British North Borneo Company.
Covering dates: May – August 1886
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

  1. Foreign Office  12/73: British North Borneo Company.
Covering dates: Sept – Dec 1886
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

  1. Foreign Office  973/291: Brunei.
Covering dates: Mac 1983
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

  1. Foreign Office  371/106691. Report that government of Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei are prepared to exercise control over any supplies thought to be leaving their territory for KMT and will give every facility to a UN Commission. Code FB file 1041/256.
Covering dates: 1953
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.
11.  Foreign Office  371/169680: Brunei Revolt.
      Covering dates: 1963
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

12.  Foreign Office  371/187685: Brunei.
      Covering dates: 1966
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

13.  Foreign Office. 16/6: Consuls C.R Nugent, Matthew Carter, Henry W. Rouse and Domestic.
            Covering dates: 1829
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

14.  Foreign Office 46/149. Domestic Various.
            Covering dates: July – Dec 1871
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

15.  Foreign Office 46/179: Sir H. Parkes.
            Covering dates: May 1874
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

16.  Foreign office 46/180: Sir H. Parkes.
            Covering dates: Jun – July 1874
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom.

17.  Foreign office 55/22: Domestic, Don Manuel Maria Mosquera and various.
            Covering dates: 1839
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom
18.  Foreign Office 55/24: William Pitt Adams
            Covering dates: July – Dec 1840
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

19.  Foreign Office  80/30: Domestic Various
            Covering dates: 1844
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

20.  Foreign Office 371/105057: Taxation of Oil Companies Increased Royalties on New Oil Leases in Brunei Involving the Shell Company. Code UEF File54.
            Covering dates: 1953.
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

21.  Foreign Office 371/84503: Sarawak and Brunei Political Intelligence Report. Code F2 File 10118.
Covering dates: 1950
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

22.  Foreign Office 371/27801: Protected Areas – Sarawak and Brunei. Code 61 File 228.
Covering dates: 1941
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

23.  Foreign Office 371/46324: Post War Administration of North Borneo Labuan, Brunei and Sarawak: Political Economy of refer East and the Pacific. Code 61 File 91.
Covering dates: 1945
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

24.  Foreign Office  371/175057: Indonesian and Azahari of Brunei
Covering dates: 1964
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom
25.  Foreign Office  371/175105: Rift in Brunei/Malay Regiment
Covering dates: 1964
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

26.  Foreign Office 371/107001: New Oil lease with the British Malayan Petroleum Company in Brunei. Code F2 File 1532.
            Covering dates: 1953
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

27.  Foreign Office 371/153685: Brunei’s Contribution of $10,000: Holding world refugee week.
Covering dates: 1960
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

28.  Foreign Office 371/110747: Continental Shelf and Territorial Waters in Borneo, Brunei and Labuan.
Covering dates: 1954
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

29.  Foreign Office  881/2514: Borneo: Memo, Proposal by Rajah Brooke for Annexation of Brunei (Mr. A.S. Green).
Covering dates: 1844-1874
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

30.  Foreign Office 881/2532.Borneo: Papers. Proposal by Rajah Brooke for Annexation of Brunei (Mr. A.S. Green).
Covering dates: 1874
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

31.  Foreign Office 881/3353. Borneo: Further papers. Rajah Brooke and the Sultan of Brunei.
Covering dates: May 1875 – Sept 1877
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

32.  Foreign Office 881/5449. Borneo. Corres. Disturbances in Brunei.  in Sarawak. Brunei and British North Borneo Company. Division of Territories. Local Enquiry. Proposed British Protectorate. 2 Maps.
Covering dates: Feb 1886 – Jan 1887
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

33.  Foreign Office 881/5552. Borneo: Mema. Brunei, Sarawak and British Borneo (Sir. R. Herbert, Sir J. Fergusson and Sir J.Pauncefote).
Covering dates: Dec 30, 1887.
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

34.  Foreign Office 881/6003. Borneo: Order in Council Brunei.
Covering dates: Nov 22, 1890.
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

35.  Foreign Office 881/6040. Borneo: Instruction Brunei Order in Council, 1890.
Covering dates: Dec 1, 1890.
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

36.  Foreign Office 881/7232. Borneo and Egypt. Order in Council Somali and Brunei. Covering dates: Jan 16, 1900
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

37.  Foreign Office 881/7556. Borneo. Order in Brunei.
Covering dates:  July 30, 1901
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

38.  Foreign Office 881/7649. Borneo: Instructions and Table of Fees. Brunei order in Council, 1901.
Covering dates: Jan 21, 1902
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

39.  Foreign Office 881/8392. Borneo: Report. Brunei in 1904 (Mr. S.McArthur)
Covering dates: Dec 5, 1904.
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

40.  Foreign Office 881/8546. Borneo: Order in Council Brunei.
 Covering dates:  Dec 15, 1905.
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

41.  Foreign Office 881/8578. Borneo: Memo State of Affairs in Brunei (Mr.F.H. Villiers).
Covering dates: June 3, 1905.
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

42.  Foreign Office 881/8752. Borneo: Order in Council Brunei
      Covering dates: August. 3, 1906
Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

43.  Foreign Office 881/9303. Borneo: Order in council Brunei.
      Covering dates: Oct, 6, 1908
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom
44.  Foreign Office 881/9304. Borneo: Order in Council Brunei
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

45.  Foreign Office 925/2514. A Charty of North Borneo. Traced from the Admiralty Chart 1878.  Showing Territories Granted by the Sultans of Sulu and Brunei.
Covering dates: 1878
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

46.  Foreign Office 925/2515. A map of Borneo. Traced from English and Dutch charts, 1878, showing territories granted by the Sultans of Sulu and Brunei. 60 sea miles to one inch. Inset: The Eastern Hemisphere showing the position of Borneo and steamship routes of the Peninsula and Oriental Company, 800 sea miles to one inch. Sent with Messers Dent and Overbeck’s statement of 2 Dec 1878.
            Covering dates: 1878.
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

47.  Foreign Office 925/2516. Borneo showing the lands ceded by the Sultans of Brunei and Sulu to the British North Borneo Company. 50 miles to one inch. Insets: Ambong Bay, Abaie and Usukan Harbours; Gaya Bay; Sandakan Harbour; Kudat Harbour. E. Stanford, London.
            Covering dates: 1881.
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

48.  Foreign Office 925/2518. Borneo showing the lands ceded by the Sultans of Brunei and Sulu to the British North Borneo Company. 50 miles to one inch. Insets: Ambong Bay, Abaie and Usukan Harbours; Gaya Bay; Sandakan Harbour; Kudal Harbour. E. Stanford, London.
            Covering dates: 1881.
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

49.  Foreign Office 925/2520. A chart of North Borneo. Reduced from the Admiralty Chart, 1878. Showing territories granted by the Sultans of Sulu and Brunei. 47 miles to one inch. In Confidential 4053. Foreign Office.
            Covering dates: 1880.
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom

50.  Foreign Office 925/2525. British North Borneo, Sarawak, Brunei, etc. Tracing from map enclosed in Mr Treacher's no 40 of 13 Aug 1885.
Covering dates: 1885.
            Sumber: National Archives, United Kingdom



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ASHAARI Muhammad, Ustaz
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MALAYSIA  and Islam in the global context : phychological, social and cultural perspectives /
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MUNANDAR,  Agus Aris
     Sejarah Kebudayaan Indonesia : religi dan falsafah / Agus Aris Munandar …[et. al.] ; editor
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DT. KANDO  Marajo, H. Sjafnir, Drs.
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     Penjajahan Portugis dan Sepanyol ke atas Asia Tenggara : satu pengamatan semula /
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MIND  the Gap : making globalization on opportunity for all : report to APEC economic leaders,
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     The Japanese file : pre-war Japanese penetration in Southeast Asia / Eric Robertson. --  Hong
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A VISION  for a new Asia : 7 Asian leaders : Mahathir Mohamad, Junichiro Koizumi, Gloria
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WONG Lin Ken
     The trade of Singapore 1819-1869 / Wong Lin Ken. --  Kuala Lumpur : Malayan Branch of the
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     AT 382.095957 WON


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     Sejarah perancangan Bahasa Melayu di Negeri Johor / Amat Juhari Moain. --  Kuala Lumpur :
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ASMAH Haji Omar, Dato
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FRESHWATER  invertebrates of the Malaysian  region / editors Catherine M. Yule and Yong Hoi
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MALIK, H. Abdul, Drs.
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HASHIM  Ismail
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     Perlis Darul Sunnah / Maruwiah Ahmat ; editor Rosnani Rifin. --  Shah Alam : Karisma
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